Day 3 started with us waking up at a very nice hotel. I know I didnt wanna wake up and leave because I wasnt satisfied!! I didnt get to check out the restaurants there and I didnt get to walk around. We just checked in, showered, slept and checked out :(

View from our hotel window. See? So beautiful!! it was cold and I felt like swimming. Heh. Anyway, no choice so we all went downstairs to the lobby to meet the rest of the tour group. I must say, this L'Hotel in HK has the most crowded lobby I've ever seen. Weird.
Check out the hotel here:
Best I ever stayed in during the vacay.
Early morning look, before we set off to explore HK, well, just a glimpse.

So, the HK tour guide dropped us at this square called The Golden Bauhinia Square to snap pictures. The view was gorgeous and the breeze made it even better. The tour guide did explain about this place but I was too caught up with admiring the place. Oops.

That's one with the tour group and the symbolic golden thing behind.
Oh my, the tour group was very difficult to tolerate. There were some who were normal, like us. And there were some who were just so irritating. They go to toilet at almost every stop, they talk rudely, and when you sit with them to eat, they'll eat like they're the only ones there. Me, being such an expert at this, just closed my eyes and ears whenever it comes to them so it didnt bother me much. Hah!!
Enough about them, this is us at the same square with the view I mentioned earlier. There is just something about water and buildings put together that I love so much. Aahhhh...

After the square, we were brought to breakfast and I got the chance to eat authentic HK dimsum. It taste almost the same as here but over there its bigger and there are 4 pieces of siew mai/fishball/har kao etc instead of 3, like here. Oh, and there isnt any chilli kinda sauce so there wasnt any kick but still delicious :)
Once our tummies were filled up, we headed to Repulse Bay for a look see. The main attraction there is the temple with a huge tall Quanyin statue. If you stand at a particular spot marked red, you can talk to the statue and she will listen. Then, if you stand at some other location, you can snap a picture and see the entire statue in the picture. There was another animal statue as well where you rub certain parts of the body to get certain blessings and also after rubbing the animal statue and rub your tummy after that, you can get pregnant. I didnt do any of it because of my own religious beliefs so yea.

Taken in front of the temple with the big statue in view.
Around the temple are big pretty mansions where rich rich people live in. I guess it was like some sorta "Hollywood" area. Even Jacky Chan and the owner of TVB lives somewhere there. We passed by TVB owner's house only while the bus was moving so i didnt see much. Grrr.

I love this dog!!!
We were then taken on a boat ride somewhere else to just do some sight seeing. Was shown where Leon Lai parked his boat too. I would like to believe that he was hiding inside, looking at us for fun through the black tinted windows. Hmm.

No, Leon Lai's boat isnt any of these. I took an ugly picture of it so not gonna put here. Its in my FB tho XD

Yep, its a lady rowing the boat. I find it so cool that over there, ladies work in construction, as taxi drivers and even this - rowing boat. Salute!!!
Next, we were driven up to some location where we can see this.

One of the buildings there, from this view, always catch fire apparently. Everytime they wash the fire away and fix stuff, it would catch fire again!! Wanna know why? Because it is shaped like a cigarette. So, to solve the problem, they built a water element on top of and it never caught fire again. Story courtesy of our HK Tour guide. Hehe
I really loved everything there because its sunny yet cold so you dont sweat much with all the walking. So nice!!
After lunch we got on the train to Shen Zhen, China. Only took us about 45 minutes. Awesome right? But once you step into the immigration place, all hell breaks lose!!! Everyone was pushing and being so rude.

There were a lot of kids as well moving around. Oh, we got scolding by the security lady at the bag check point. Our tour guide said we didnt need to go through the bag thing so we just followed her but when we did, the security lady shouted at us and we had to line up to put our bags through. Best part was, nobody lined up. They were pushing and running around like crazy people. I hated it!!!!
From the immigration, we made our way with another tour guide and a bus to this place where they had cultural shows and mini China sort of display place.

At 5.30pm, it was almost getting dark so we didnt get to see much and headed straight for dinner and the cultural show

This is one of the pictures from the cultural show. I posted all in FB anyway. To be honest, I underestimated the show quality and in the end, I was blown away!!! I didnt fall asleep and I enjoyed everything. Can see that they put in a lot of effort to perform. Nice!!
While in China, I noticed a few of this kinda staircase.

Just curious to know what the middle part is for. Earlier in the day, we spotted a staircase like this aswell but it was from a pedestrian bridge and one lady from the tour group decided to walk on the non-stairs part. What happened? She fell and slid down the thing. Aiyoyo! I'm assuming that slide part is for bags with wheels. Hmm. Too steep for wheelchair tho.
So, that's it for Day 3. A lot was done in one day and all i wanted to do was sleep once we reached the hotel but it was sooooo dodgy that the mood to rest just disappeared. But no matter what, I still had to sleep because no more energy!!
Till we meet again in Day 4 :)
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