Te-te-te-te-tell Me!!

You know how there are so many inspirational songs these days? Well, mine are Firework from Katy Perry, Perfect by Pink and Waiting Outside The Lines by Greyson Chance. It mostly talks about how there will be challenges to get to your dream destination and if you keep sticking to your comfort zone, you'll never get anywhere and its ok to make wrong decisions because at the end of the day its all perfect bla bla bla bla.

I am guilty of taking advice from these songs. I felt that it was some kinda sign from the universe (I would like to think God but maybe I shouldn't blame Him in this) that I should take the risk and accept the challenges because it will lead me to somewhere good so I decided to obey to what it said.

Now, what good did it do me? For now, nothing much. I need to know what to do when we chase our dreams and end up back at the same spot (or worst) all over again. Do we start all the way from the bottom or is there something we can do to pick up where we left off?

I think that there should be songs written about what to do if things don't go as plan when we get enough balls to "take the leap". And if there is such a song to be written by whoever the singer is, I want to be featured in it. Thank you.

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