This & That v1096752

- Haven't been able to online properly the past few days because i think there's something wrong with the laptop. Everyone else can log on to the internet but I cant. Only on and off, a bit here and there, I'll be able to log on. Frusrating because i have a lot of downloads and my life without the internet is shitty. haha

- One night, I dreamt that I was at the Maroon 5 concert. We didnt have tickets so we went to the venue on the day itself to beg for tickets and we begged from the big boss of the concert organizer. He gave us a stack and made us gave the the tickets away to the needy. By the time we made it to the concert, the whole show ended. But in my dream, I talked to Adam Levine and requested for a song. Haha. Many months back, I dreamt of him also. And now, my dreams has come true!! I be going for the concert but dont think I'll get to talk to him. Hahh.

- Work has been pretty okay. Been learning stuff that I am supposed to. I am slowly warming up to the place and and the people and i hope I dont maintain my shyness that long.

- I finally figured out the reason why some things happen they way they do and the reason is me. Sucks and I am trying to change that. Its not an easy thing to do but I am trying and constantly praying for patience. I need it.

- Soooooo many movies to catch up on!! Rio, Hop, Just Go With It, Red Riding Hood, and so much more. I stayed away from the cinemas because of Lent and now, i needz to get back on track with all this movie stuff. hehe.

- I now want an Iphone. Just realised (I know, at long last!!!!!) that its usefull I guess. I want a new ipod and I want a lomo camera and both are part of an iphone so, why not? first of all, money.

- My face is becoming a pimple garden. Blahh.

Okay. Bye bye.

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