First of all, I WAS BORN A MAN IN THE YEAR 850??? In Tibet??? If our lives now are supposed to be complete opposite of what were in the super past life, then maybe I can believe because I am too girl to be a man. I'm scared to silly stuff, I like pink and I like cute stuff. If we are supposed to be similar to whoever we were in the past then I must have been gay. The cooking part is pretty right because I enjoy cooking but enjoy watching people cook more so.....okay.
The personalities they listed is not what I am today so I guess we ARE supposed to be complete opposites from our past lives. However, I completely agree with the last part where it says I am timid and lonely and I must change that in me before I can help others change those attributes in themselves. Something I need help in though.
Hmm....what a discovery. But of course its nonsense lah...I think. Right? I seriously dunno what am I trying to prove. Must be boredom. Hahh!!
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