My Never Ending Story?!

Its already Tuesday, almost the end of March and I have not received any calls from the companies I applied at, I am still bumming like it was March 2010, I am getting broker by the week, and there's more envy/anger building inside me as the time pass. Its been like this since beginning of March. Hmmm. I'm saying this once again, I feel so like a failure whenever I see my friends working and enjoying it at the same time. Is this what I get for being too fussy and craving for more?

No matter how depressed I feel, I am also appreciating and enjoying this bumming period because once I start work again, there wont be such thing as 'bumming'. So, I'm torn. Stop complaining and be patient or time to hit the panic button? I also cant stop asking myself, 'Why does shiz like this always happen to me????'. I hope the answer has something to do with making me stronger as a person. Sigh.

I admit, one thing I miss about having a job is the salary. No kidding!! With salary, I have security and I can do soooo many things without feeling like a bankrupted loser. Like travel, buy stuff, and more stuff. Oh, and pay for necessary things!!!

I know, stop complaining.


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