Here's the morning view from our hotel.

I don't remember the hotel's name because I couldn't be bothered and all I wanted was to quickly start on our next adventure of the day.

Totally cannot compare to the previous hotel in Hong Kong. Maybe that's why I was so shocked when I entered this one. The beds were springy accompanied with springy sounds, it looked a bit creepy and the breakfast was something my parents weren't so crazy about. I decided to skip breakfast so I could take my sweet time to get ready for our next destination - Windows Of the World.
But before heading to WOTW, we stopped by a two places - The jade shop and the silk shop. I found both places very educational and so interesting but the major turn off is how they will pester you to buy stuff from there!!! Luckily I look like a school kid with no money so they attacked the ones who had money - the older peeps. Hahh! I gotta admit, the silk blanket and all at the silk shop looked so pretty and comfy but too expensive.
At the silk shop/silk making centre.

No cameras were allowed so this was all I got. This is one of the process when making silk. So nice to see how one lil worm can produce something like this.
At the jade shop, EVERYONE bought something so not feel left out, I bought/made something too. Cost about RM50....after converting.

I know, I know, its nothing like a jade but I love it :)
At least I got something from the jewelery shop. The best part was how I managed to converse in mandarin with the sales person while choosing and making this bracelet. Yesss!!
Next stop, and finally....Windows of The World.

They said that you cannot say you've been to Shen Zhen if you have not entered this place so, I can proudly say that I have been to Shen Zhen...thank you very much. When I first heard of this place and that we were going there, I wasn't thrilled or excited. I was expecting something like our mini Malaysia place. Interesting for the first 5 minutes but after that its all yawn, but once again I was proven wrong.
When I made my first step in this wonderland, I was in awe at soooo many things. The buildings representing a particular country, the landscape, and so much more. I was told that the buildings are built exactly like the reals one just that its bite sized. Very very impressive!!!
That's us with the Taj Mahal.

Besides buildings, they even built little people along with the buildings. The Taj mahal didnt have any because its pretty big but some famous churches/whatever had tiny people decorated around it. Cuteness overload!!

I couldn't help but imagine them coming to life at night when everyone has left. If its true, they'll most probably bitch about the visitors. Hmmm.
The time when we visited, it was close to Halloween and certain parts were decorated in conjunction with it. When I checked out the Grand Canyon part, first thing I saw was this...

Super creepy!!! There were more "dead bodies" lying around, missing legs and hands and even a mannequin in the rushing water fall things. Gulp. I posted more WOTW photos in my FB so...go there for a look see.
After that, we headed for lunch and after lunch, we went to Mr.Someone's old house. I cant remember the name but I know why it was built. Heh. This was in Guangzhou.

I feel so dumb now for not remembering the places I visited. What's the point of blogging about it and posting pictures on FB when I dont know the name!! Anyway, this old mansion was built by a man who used to write his poems there. He did it because it was peaceful and he could concentrate or something.
Again, I wasn't that into visiting historical places, especially this one, but this trip changed me. I enjoy checking out old places and admiring the architecture. Mainly because I am so kaypo to know what happened in that place long long time ago. At least can feel some connection. Hehe.
One of the part in the mansion, a little lake outside the function room of the house. Very pretty!!

While walking, I noticed this fella in a cage. What's the significance? I am not too sure either.

This is a phoenix. Pronounced as FI-YO-NIX. Hahahaha. So lame but it made me laugh. I'm actually making fun of this man (the one with the wife and they both pee at every location we go to) who proudly told me that this was a fi-yo-nix. I politely smiled and ran to my parents to laughed away. Hahaha.
Next stop was the bee farm. This one, confirm I wasn't that into it because I've been to one in Cameron Highlands. I was more afraid of the bees coming to attack me. The 'fi-yo-nix' man was more afraid of the dogs that were lying around. OMG lah!!! I think the bees were more threatening than the dogs because it wasn't fierce or anything. Pff.
This is their biggest honey comb to date. It was huge and all the hole are equally sized. Nais!! was tempted to put my finger through the holes but...nevermind.

What I loved about this place was the honey. Tasted good and I learned a lot about health benefits, how you cannot use metal spoon to scoop the honey and stir it, and how ants wont go to real honey. If the honey you bought previously has ants crawling all over it, its fake. Well, they lied, I tell ya (in my opinion only, please) because the honey we bought from them had ants running around the cover, trying to get in!! Gross. Maybe Malaysian ants are gluttons. What also wanna attack.
Went for dinner after the bee farm and after dinner, we were brought to this street in Guanzhou. The street's name sounded like Beijing but I don't think that's what it is.

This street, they said, is something like our own Bukit Bintang. There were so many branded shops along this road. Branded meaning Giordano, Uniqlo and so on. LOL. Over here was where I entered an (or is it a?) Uniqlo for the first time. It looks pretty normal and I just had to buy a top from there, just so I can say I own something from Uniqlo. LOL.
I bought a Mickey Mouse top, long sleeve and pretty cool at RMB79. I saw something less pretty in Malaysia for RM79. Like that, better to buy from China right? You get it at half the price. In China, I could accept that they sold winter clothes at that time but in KL as well??? Come on!!
Anyway, we didnt have much time to shop. I blame myself because I spent too much time in Uniqlo and we didnt get to walk down the whole street. Then, when my mom went to Giordano, I lost her!!! We couldnt find each other and that wasted MORE time. Oops. I regret it till this day. Sigh. But where we went to after that swept away all the regrets :)
One thing unique about the street is how there is the original built road of Guangzhou displayed underneath the ground we walk on. It is real, according to my dad. Now I am wondering why didn't I snap a picture of that. Ugh!
Once we were done window shopping, we went on a boat ride around the river in Guangzhou to look at pretty lights that lighted up the buildings and everything!!! So fun.

It was freeeeezing cold that night and the wind blowing at us from the boat ride made it colder!! I love the cold but it was too cold. We sat right on top of the boat where it was all open and I had to walk in and out just to get a bit of warmth. I remember at one point, the nice cold wind was blowing my eyelids as well, making me feel super sleepy.

See? So colddddddd and comfy. Yes, I even fell asleep. It was a tiring day and after a certain amount of time on the boat, I just wanted a bed to sleep on.
Overall, an enjoyable day. Me, being someone who gets cranky and tired fast, actually survived the whole day with lots of walking and all. I think the cold breeze (even during the day time) with a bit of sun made it more enjoyable because I didnt sweat much. Sigh.....true love.
More to come in Day 5.
Chao Chin Chao.
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