I heard this public service announcement last night on the radio and I thought it had a good point until I heard the last line. It mainly talks about how we shouldn't have dogs if we live in a condo and how its unfair to the dog because of the limited space, etc. Pity the dog also because they have to be in a confined room, with four walls to look at everyday. Okay, understood. So, the solution they offered is to either not have a dog or move to a bigger house where your dog can run around or get a cat instead. The cat part ticked me off.
Erm.......if its unfair for a dog to be kept in a condo all day with no one to play with, how is keeping a cat any different? Sure, cats dont run much or probably dont need that much space but what makes you think that they enjoy being confined in a room and look at 4 walls all day long??? They're still animals and they also got feeling what. Some kinda awareness, huh? If kept in a place with a big space, cats can cat-walk around and they feel free, ya know.
In my opinion, if you live in a condo, get a hamster or two and put them in a big spacious cage. At least have each other to play with and they have a big house to run around and play hide & seek. Or get anything that should be kept in a cage.
Just my opinion. I guess I got ticked off easily with the PSA because I am PMS-ing!!!!! Its that time again :D
Since we're talking about dogs, here are the only boys in life :)

No sparky because he's a meanie!!!
Chao chin chao.
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