We decided to try out the famous T Bowl Restaurant. The food was acceptable lah and everything was served in toilet equipment kinda plates and bowls. I thought it was creative and I did not feel an ounce of disgust. Surprisingly. LOL. So, here comes the food photos!!! I dont normally take pictures of food but the plates and all were so cute, I just had to!!
The cheese bake rice I ordered. I prefer Kim Gary's because they use tomato paste.

This is Taynee's Kimchi ramen. Gurlfriend has decided to screw all myths and start eating fried and spicy food. Haha. She used to be paranoid about this sorta food because it gives her pimples. Hmm. But good on her for letting that go.

Lilin's rice with pork. The pork was crunchy and soft!!!

Biggest disappointment would be this. If it wasn't so sad case, our meal would have been perfect but, oh well.

Why is it disappointing?? Because it was small and so little for RM8.90!! Maybe I had too high expectations lah because the ones in Jogoya and Tao was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our dessert, shared with all. It was good. How wrong can ice cream be right? Hehe. No, we weren't disgusted.

Even my soft drink came in a cute lil cup. teehee.

We ordered other food as well but was paying too much attention to my own food so...o00pps.
Lastly, those who were present.

The end :)
Patiently waiting for yet another reunion with the uni buds :)
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