The year 2010, however, turned out to be such a good one and I mean it. I had so many great opportunities and I am glad that I savoured every one of them as I was there while it all happened. When the last week of 2010 approached, I asked myself if this year has been great. I automatically answered NO!!! But after some pondering and reflecting, I realized that it was very much da bomb.
Here are my very own highlights of Twenty Ten, not in sequence.
1. First of all, I finally ended my 3 years of uni. I passed with a pretty decent CGPA and I got an A- for my last and final subject - maths!!!

2. After my exams, headed over to Singapore with Stephy. I see this as a highlight because at that time, I thought that its the only place outside Malaysia that i will step foot on. And its my first time going on my own with a friend so...yeah.

3. Worked part time at an organization that allowed me to make new friends and for the first time, made my working experience something to appreciate. I looked forward to going to work because of them. But due to some unexpected circumstances, I had to leave but we still keep in touch, on and off.

4. Chinese New Year 2010 was different from all the CNY I went through all my life - my cousins from Australia dropped by to celebrate it with us. For the first time during CNY, we werent squeezing our head thinking of fun things to do. Its very rare.

5. Watch West Side Story and fell asleep. hahaha. Definitely something worth remembering.

6. In the beginning of the year, I participated in the samsung corby carnival thing with Rene. And I won the grand prize, a corby phone. It sucks big time for me because I already bought the phone before winning it. Not surprised at all. And I never won anything before so yay me!!

7. Got my first job as a graduate. Nothing fancy mancy but enough to get the ball rolling.

Okay, excuse my messy work station. It is what it is. Hah!!
8. Reconnected with my school friends that I seldom communicated with in past years. This year, we caught up and made effort to meet as often as we could. I'm very glad.

9. Watched Kris Allen live shocwcase. nothing to shout about but I appreciate the free tickets that were given :)

10. My grandparents went through so much this year with colon cancer, heart problem, indigestion, etc. But they managed to pull through and I am thankful to God that they did. I always pray that they have the strength to go on.

I do the same for my Nanna too.
11. Welcomed the latest addition to my lil world of pets. Rene got Cleo the hamster for me as a birthday gift and I love it!! Cleo and I actually get each other and she is pretty smart for a tiny animal.

12. Attended MTV Worldstage and saw Katy Perry in action!!!! That was my main purpose of going to this tiring concert so I feel kinda accomplished.

13. ADAM LAMBERT CONCERTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said. *hearts* *smile*

14. Headed to Singapore for the 2nd that in 2010 but the difference now is, I went there all on my own!!!! Because cousin Su Yen was there a day earlier, therefore, travelling alone.

(To keep me company in the bus)
Reason for being there? To watch BIG BANG!!!!!!! Another night to remember :)
Till this day, I feel so blessed and thankful that I got a chance to watch them perform. They're like one of the people I must meet before I leave the world!!!

15. Traveled to a foreign land for the very first time. I am not shy to admit that I never been anywhere else but Malaysia and Singapore and to top it all off, ride in an airplane before (well I have but it was long ago and i dont recall it therefore, neven been on it). Once again, I appreciate this opportunity sooooo much for being able to see what its like in another country and learn more stuff. And then, also to proudly say that I've been to Macau, Hong Kong and China :D

Thats all, the best of 2010 for me. I am honestly very thankful for all of these things that took place. I may not show gratitude and all but deep down inside, I am really thankful. Yes, I noticed that i use that word a lot in this post but so what?
For 2011, I wont deny it but I am excited and also nervous to see what's in store for me. I hope to receive good kind of surprises and I wanna travel morrrre!!!! Oh, fun trivia - my birthday, mtv worldstage and my graduation day happened all on the same day. EXTREME BONUS!!!!!'s to 2011. Just praying for the best.
Happy New Year to all of you.
ps: excuse the typoes, if there are many.
2 says That's So Clair:
This is a very interesting post, Clair! Long journey to refresh for 2011! :D
thanks i guess :)
glad it entertained you. haha
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