My Encounter With A Rainbow

Today, I went on a roller coaster ride of emotions. I stepped into the office and was informed that tomorrow is a public holiday to celebrate Malaysia's victory in the AFF Suzuki Cup. I never heard of the Cup until this week. Anyway, I was overjoyed, excited and just thankfull for the extra holiday. Then, many more happy things happened like how my dad made egg sandwich for breakfast, new season of Pretty Little Liars will be back in a few days and many more.

After like, say, 2 hours of happiness, the office declared NOT a public holiday and everything crushed!!! I had no mood to work and was thinking of ways to protest. I could only think of dressing up super casually to work and coming in slightly late. I was even considering to have my once in a while anger eating just to soothe myself but that didnt work out, due to my ego. Spotted some people I know at the place I was planning to pig out and decided to change lunch place. Oh well.

Then, after like 4 hours of anger and ranting left and right, suddenly we got a memo saying ITS A PUBLIC HOLIDAY!!!! Happiness came right back on. I couldnt stop smiling. Wont talk more about why I think they suddenly decided to let us be on holiday because I wanna share something that is more interesting. Refer to the topic above :)

Yesterday, as I was leaving the office, I spotted a gorgeous and reasonable sized rainbow :) :)
I love colours a whole lot so seeing a rainbow can transform me into a kid, a loser and a crazy idiot all jumbled up into one. I'm just glad that I was in the car while I released all my retarded-ness as I got closer to the rainbow, view wise that is.


Can you see it??? Dont mock me if you cant because I took this snapshop with my phone so....

Okay okay, here's a zoomed up version.


Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! So in love.

I just parked my car at the road side and stared at it until i was satisfied. For reals. As I was driving away, I couldnt stop saying 'Bye bye rainbow. Bye bye rainbow. BYE BYE RAINBOW!!!'. See? Crazy. Just when I thought that was it, I saw it again!! And I repeated the whole routine - stopped car (well, not on purpose because I was at the traffic light and it was red), stared, took pictures, and repeatedly said BYE BYE RAINBOW!!!!

Yep, thats pretty much it, my encounter with a rainbow. I wanna see more!!!

Bye bye.

ps: ooohhh....just a day left in 2010. So many things I am seriously thankful for. Will blab about in next post ;)

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