I gave up hope and just decided to let it go. As the date of the concert drew nearer, I realized even more how much I wanted to go, not because of my desperation to see Adam Levine, but more of because I knew most of their songs and all of the ones I knew are super good. So, why should I miss out on a great concert? This made me more determined to continue looking for other people to go with me but again, failed.
A few days before the concert, I got a call from Godma.
Godma: Clair....what is Maroon 5?
Me: *suspiciously* why? well, they're an American band
Godma: oh...what song do they sing? Never heard of them.
Me: OMG OMG OMG....dont tell me you got free tickets!!!!!!
Well, she did and I had to control my excitement because all this happened at the office. teehee. I was actually ready to hear her say no because who knows, she might have called just to ask me about Maroon 5 out of curiosity. The best part of getting free tickets is not knowing where exactly your seat it. If the seat sucks, then too bad but if it doesn't, it can so take your breath away.
I brought 3 people along with me and we walked into the concert stadium, looking and feeling clueless because we didnt know where to go to and finally.....tadaaaa!

I dunno about the others but I was so taken aback with our seating. Super. fawesome!!! Would have been more awesome if our seats were like 10 rows in front but beggars cant be choosers. LOL. I consider this my golden ticket tho :)
So the concert started, I got all fan girl and I was glad that they sang most of their hit singles and some unknown ones. Before the concert, i even listened to their new album, Hands All Over, just to familiarize myself. Yah, I know...always well prepared. Haha.

My ultimate, super super super fave Maroon 5 song has to be Wake Up Call. I've been using it as my alarm clock song ever since I was in uni and I just love it so when the intro of the song started, i went insane!!!!! I got so excited until I gave Su Yen, who sat beside me, a wake up call. Pretty cool. LOL.
Other songs they sang included Misery, Never Gonna Leave This bed (my fave also!!), Harder To Breathe, This Love, etc etc etc. If you've heard it on radio, then they played it during the concert. Lovely!

I guess my fave part of the whole show was when they sang She Will Be Loved. Adam Levine separated the crowd into two sections and made one side sing one part, and the other sing another. You have to be there to feel and see how good it was.
As usual, at concerts, I will be surrounded by selfish bozos who think they're the only ones watching. Best part is, they're tall.

See?? Dah lah Adam is so tiny and with them blocking the view, I couldn't see anything!!!

Did I mention that Adam Levine is hot, sexy and all that? Yea, I think i did. LOL. Damn, I am just so in love with him and his voice! Whenever I look at him, I just wanna touch his face. Haha. Oops.

If you took a look at the whole photos album for this concert, it has mostly his face only. Heh. Team Adam!! Anyway, i dreamt of him once...long time ago. He was in a leather jack, white tee and jeans. Oh, and sunnies during night time and I remember asking him if i could take a photo with him...and he was drunk. Pretty weird.

Overall, a fantastic and awesome concert. Its the best I've been to this year and everytime I think of it, i wanna cry because I want some more!! Sigh, if only. I think I enjoyed it so much because of the songs, which were a majority of what i know and also the sound system. The musical instruments didn't drown the singing so it was good.
Lastly, the people I enjoyed the concert with :)

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