I missed out Miz Nina's performance and the first song Brubru sang. I read in the papers that he had a solo drum performance (damn it!) and he sang the song I didnt like so, still dont feel so bad. From the start to end, I enjoyed myself. I knew all the songs and most importantly, I could sing along. Heeheee. I enjoyed it more when he sang others covers and such. Not sure of the titles but it was lovely.
The performance I enjoyed most was Lazy Song especially the 'oh my gawd, this is great' part. LOL. I found it cute and funny and his band are pretty amazing with their skills and all. I so enjoyment :D

The rock zone section was so spacious therefore, no annoying people was around me. But if it was spacious, how come they said it was sold out? Maybe it was for the better because if it was packed, the smell would be bad and everyone will irritate each other. I mean everyone would irritate me.
Hmm, what else about the concert I enjoyed? Oh the part where he sang Billie Jean with the background music of one famous rock song which I cannot remember now. Damn! And also when he came out for an encore performance and sang Runaway Baby!! OMG...that is my favouritest song in the album!! So clearly, I got super excited and went mad.

Throughout the concert, the only person I could think of was Glozell. Hahha. I couldnt stop hearing her voice again and again, telling Bru Bru jokes and all. And I realized that Bru Bru only looks good with his fedora on. Without it, he looks....not nice. So, keep in on brah.
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