So, Day 5 of the trip started with a morning stroll by the river (??) that we were at the previous night. Since we got to see the place with pretty lights and all, we wanted to take a look during the day and it was just as pretty with many many flowers that were spotted.
Oh, but first of all, a view from our hotel which was much better than the one in Shen Zhen.

Anyway, back to the river place wit flowers...

I don't usually like flowers but when I see flowers from a foreign country, I suddenly have love for flowers. Haha. How biased!! Not that I hate flowers, I just enjoy looking at it rather than receive it as a gift. Know what I mean? Anyway the flowers were some kinda preparation for the Asian Games that was held last year in Guang Zhou.
After that, we hopped onto the bus again for a road trip to this place where the statue of the 3 goats were at. The place was filled with tourist, senior citizen exercising and also an old man writing on the ground with water using some kinda big brush. I found that fascinating but too bad, I couldn't read what he wrote. LOL

Here's us with the legend....wait for it....dary goats. Ha ha.

Apparently, these 3 goats were sent to the people of that area a looooong time ago by God to help them harvest food and so on. So the legend is that these goats helped save the people's lives by providing food or something. its more interesting if you hear it from the tour guide because I am a lousy story teller. Hahh!
Next stop was the Sun Yat Sen Memorial park place (damn, I don't remember what its called! should have taken photos of the descriptions. ugh). We had to climb up many steps to get to the top just so we could catch a glimpse of the giant statue and admire the view from above. I heard many stories regarding Mr. Sun but i cant remember and if not mistaken, there is a movie about him and his family or something....right?

The view from up top...and I was slowly basking in everything as I stood there in admiration. Lahv!!!

We then had our lunch break after this location and headed to Zhan's Garden for more sight seeing. Zhan's Garden was one of my favourite spots because I just love to check out houses that people used to live in. LOL. very very curious girl, I am. The place isn't exactly just a garden. It is a massive house that has so many different separate buildings and even a bridge to connect to the other side. Since I am a lousy story teller, here's the description of the place that I managed to take a photo of. heh.

My father insisted on taking a photo by the plants since he loves them. LOL

For more beauty of Zhan's Garden, check out my FB.
Coincidentally, there were some shows held for amusing tourists to stop by and we got to watch the mask changing show, some acrobatic and a magic show. I thought the mask changing show was so wow because I can never figure out how they do it so fast!! The acrobatic one was normal and since I was seated right in front, my only fear was them dropping the bowls, tables or tong right at my face.

The magic show was just alright but was made more "entertaining" by this guy in blue.

Yes, not the "entertaining" word above together with " ".
You see, the magician dude asked for a volunteer to help him with his magic act. Then this punk instantly volunteered himself and got on stage happily. The act was actually to tie the magician up tightly and both the magician and punk was supposed to be covered by a cloth. So the magician is supposed to take off the punk's shirt and put it on himself while having his hands tied. That is supposed to be the act lah. But this punk suddenly got so egoistic and started getting so pussy when the magician tried to unbutton his shirt and all. It may sound so ham sap but it actually isn't but this kid just couldn't take it. Moral of the story? Don't simply volunteer yourself for anything lah. Spoil the show only. Imagine, everyone watching was expecting something cool but it was ruined. Oh well.
After looking around at Zhan's Garden, we went to a tea plantation place. At first, I thought it was gonna be plain boring because I've seen it in Cameron Highlands but I was wrong...again! I thought it was interesting because it was owned by a tribal group so they had interesting costumes and different head gear indicated if they were single or not and once you touch a single girl there, you have to marry them, which was a warning by the guy who took us around. The tea guy brought us around the tea place and even showed us some stick dance. I was too shy to try it out. LOL. Then we tried different types of teas and only one attracted my taste buds - the sweet tea with no sugar added. I made my parents buy it. Hehehe.
The best part of the tea plantation explore was this guy.

He has this funny way of talking and I was entertained!! Me, not really good at Cantonese, kept laughing at the jokes he made. Haha. His talking style is something like Ah Wong, from some HK drama. Thinking of it now is making me giggle already. haha.
Last sight seeing stop was Zhu h\Hai, where the famous statue of pearl mermaid or something at the sea. It seems, you cant say you've been to Zhu Hai if you haven't seen the statue so we all took turns to take photos of it and with it.

As you can see, it was breezy and cold!! I enjoyed every moment of the cold because I am one who loves the cold. Why you thing i didn't complain about all the walking and exploring we had to do? If it was hot, my face would be very grumpy in most of the photos. LOL. I just love the combination of the cold wind and the sun <3
After everything was done, we completed the night with some free and easy shopping. there is like heaven. For the first time, I felt rich. Haha.
Lastly, just wanna show y'all this bottle of beer we had for dinner that night.

I dont usually like beer but this one was nice. It was something like Hoegaarden but much nicer and lighter. Can we get this here? Hmm.
Okay, that's it from me. Yay, one mission to blog about ancient vacation is accomplished!! Next up, Day 6 of the trip XD
ps: excure typos if any. too lazy to check.
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