My latest desire would be a digital lomo camera. Its a toy camera which is tiny but the price, not as tiny so I started thinking about how worth the price it really is. I mean, yes, it delivers a creative looking type of photo but like Syn Vy said, better to save money for something more canggih. That's when I thought about the Olympus Pen. Maybe I should really commit to saving money for that, huh?
So today, I decided to google for Photoshop lomo tutorials and I found an 'easy-to-follow' method and tried it out myself. Please be the judge.

(stupid curly fries from Laundry Bar on Christmas Eve. RM20plus for this much!!!)
So...whatchu think? Does these look like real lomo photos or should I just shut up and get it when I have saved up enough? Heh. If these are alright, I can end my dilemma XD
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