10 Things You Didnt Know About Me

Since I am on a short break/in between jobs/lazing, I've been watching so many stuff on Youtube and one of it is the 10 Things You Didnt Know About (insert Glee cast name). So, since I am free, I shall do the same. I present to you my very own 10 Things You Didnt Know About Me.

1. I cannot sleep peacefully without hugging a pillow. It used to be only bolsters but now, as long as I am hugging anything, then I can sleep properly.

2. Everytime I go out, I have this need to buy something. Anything. Not food though but anything. Clothes, shoes, stickers, nail polish, hair accessories, magazines.

3. I have a lot of (imaginary) boyfriends. Most of them are famous celebs. I'm worried that someday I will end up in the mental hospital because of over imagining. No dirty ones, dont worry.

4. I want to have a baby of my own someday, even if I end up a spinster XD

5. When I dislike someone, not that I am jealous of the person. I just cant stand the person.

6. I get paranoid when I drive and dont know the directions. very paranoid. speaking of which, I'm a paranoid mess in almost every situation.

7. I tweet because I dont have anyone to tell things to. I do but I at the rate I always go, they'll ditch me, for sure. LOL.

8. I dont fall in love easily.

9. I can make myself laugh especially at the kind of things I go through everyday.

10. Everytime I watch Glee, I cry my eyes out!!! Doesnt matter if its a happy or sad moment.

Ta-daaa!! The end.

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