I Love Sony Music Malaysia. Who Doesn't?

As a child, I used to hate hate hate playing games (still do actually) because I never never never win. But suddenly this year, my luck changed. First, I won the Samsung Corby phone at the Samsung Carnival (click to read) thing. Then, I won a Westlife luggage tag from Sony Music Malaysia!! Dont believe me? Ch-ch-check it.


It may not seem like something big but its still a big thing for me because duh, I dont win things often and easily.

Actually, my luck of winning this teenie tiny prize was made possible by Sony Music Malaysia's Facebook and Twitter fan page. For reals. All I had to do was just simply join the fanpage and voila, I was in the running to get me some freebies. You see, every now and then there will be contests on Sony Music Malaysia's FB fan page that allows the fans to participate in at no cost at all. You dont need to buy anything to join. All you need to be is fast and alert, that's all. Easy peasy kan?

Besides contests, the fanpage also provides updated news and announcements to keep fans informed about current happenings such as which awesome artiste will be in town, who released a new music video, who appeared on which mag, and more more more. The best part is fans gets an opportunity to meet other people from other places who possibly share the same interest in music and idols. Now, which part of that doesn't spell awesome??

In my opinion, I think the Sony Music Malaysia FB fan page is a good way to stay connected and it plays a big role in being our "information counter".

Lets say Adam Lambert is having a concert in Malaysia (I wishhhh!!!!!!!) but there are no other information about the venue and date. Where do we go to? Sony Music Malaysia's FB fan page. Lets say there's a rumour going around that Shakira is recording a duet with Jay Chou. Where do we turn to to clarify things (and hope that maybe on some level its true. heh)? Sony Music Malaysia FB fan page. Now, lets just say that we want to go to Ireland for a massive Westlife concert. Where can we win it from? Duh...Sony Music Malaysia's FB fan page!!!

See? Its like having your yellow pages book right at your finger tips. But, of course there is a down side to this lah. Some people may abuse the use of the fan page by spamming away like there's no tomorrow. Not cool. But other than that, Sony Music Malaysia's FB fan page is a grrrrreat way to make friends, gather info and win freebies. And its all easy to do - hassle free and user friendly.

So whatchu waiting for? Just join the FB fan page


*click to enter*

and not forgetting, their Twitter page.


*click to enter*

Sony Music Malaysia's twitter page is also just as informative and awesome as their FB one. Make sure to follow them if you want freebies, kaypo news and more :)

Oh, did I mention that in the FB fan page, you can share certain info with your other friends by just clicking 'share'? Yeah...its cool like that.

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