A Taste Of My Own Medicine

I miss my old hairstyle. I now know not to bother it if its not bothering me that much.

I miss my old job. I now know not to complain about it if it doesn't give me a reason to do so.

I miss my uni days and uni friends. I now know what people mean when they say 'appreciate your student life because once work starts, there's no turning back.'

I miss my worry free life I once had. I now know that if I have no problems, don't go creating one.

I miss earning more money than I do now. I now know how to appreciate money even more.

I miss shopping freely without bothering about how much things costs. I now know the value of money, especially when I am earning shitty amount of it. But better than nothing.

I miss having people to hang out with. I now know that I shouldn't take advantage of people around me.

All in all, I miss my old lifestyle.

PS: I notice that lately, my blog entries are so vague. I don't see the fun in writing about things in a hidden manner. I shall be more brave then. *shrugs*

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