Not Claire.
Although it looks more girly spelt that way but it bugs me when people still call me Claire when they know so well that its NOT!! I dont get it.
I even purposely chose this as my twitter name...

You know, just to educate people but still, I'm being called Claire.
Then I made this for myself to make it even clearer...

But, it still doesnt work. Its not a big deal but its something i always scratch my head about. My 2011 resolution is to not bother about however its spelt - Claire, Clare, Clear...I'll still acknowledge it. No use correcting.
Well now, the same thing is happening to my hamster, Cleo. Nothing to do with spelling but with how I got that name. The first thing people think of how I got the name Cleo is from the magazine. WRONG!!!

I decided to call my hamster Cleo because of a hairstyle that I got about 4 years ago. One time, I got my hair straightened and my hair ended up like this...

That's how people started calling me Cleopatra. It was annoying but after a while, I thought the name was pretty cool and I vowed that I will name my next pet 'Cleo', as in short for Cleopatra. When I shared my idea of naming her Cleo, some people suggested to call it Female or Her World.
The sensitive side of me will think that this some way of mockery but the insensitive side of me will think this person is lame. Haha. Seriusly, Female and Her World?? How about Vogue? Also much cooler. Oh hey.....Vogue. Dibs on that name!!! My next hamster shall be called that.
So in conclusion, that's why my hamster's name is Cleo, not because of the magazine and my name has no E in it. Been that way for over 20 years. Thankyouverymuch.

ps: nothing to do but just feel like blogging therefore, the lame and weird entry takes place.
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