*There Is No Title*

Currently addicted to...*sings* 'When you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell!!'. Haha. Also addicted to Chick vs Dick (click title to check out vids). That Paul guy is funny!! Teehee.

Ish...it is only times like these (ie: exam season) that I so semangat to watch videos on youtube, and anywhere else. Other times, I wouldnt even bother. How come??

First exam paper was today, 9am to be exact. It was the Chinese exam and I must say, it was alright. No one daydreamed, no one laughed to herself, and no one had lack of time to finish the paper. It was all.....good. Now, just hoping to do well *fingers and toes crossed*.

Yippeeeeee.....1 paper down, 1 more to go!!!

The next paper is on Saturday (damnit) but I shouldnt complain about the long gap in between, I should be thankful that I have a good amount of time to study for the next paper ;)

I cant wait to laze at home!! Got 3 books to read, many movies and series to watch and 2 magazines to flip through. Yahoo!!

Zooming off!!

0 says That's So Clair:
